Flora and Fauna - Southern Girls Challenge

Hi Everyone! Today I bring you my take on the Southern Girls Challenge theme of 'Flora and Fauna'. I've taken my own quirky take on the theme with my interpretation of fauna. So here is a definition that I found for fauna: Fauna - is all the animal life present in a particular region or time. 'I Love You - Even when you're hangry' So this special moment was captured on a visit to our local Zoo, at this point my daughter had a bad case of the 'Hangers' (Hungry Angers) ....which pretty much turned her into an animal! I love how this soft floral layout just seems to work for this. For this layout I have used: Kaisercraft - High Tea paper collection Kaisercraft - High Tea collectables MFT - Sassy Pants Best Friends stamp set Waffle flower - Flutter stamp set I'd love to see your take on this theme! Sponsors of Flora and Fauna: